Achieve a Peak Performance Mindset
How do high altitude mountaineers think?
As a person who has had the privilege of climbing some of the world's highest peaks in some, quite gruesome conditions, I have had to, on many occasions, watch how climbers respond to the goals they set and the way they make decisions under such high-risk circumstances. For instance - In 1996 Mt. Everest experienced its worst disaster in the history of people trying to summit. This event was so cataclysmic that the book Into Thin Air has been turned into a Hollywood movie and several TV off-shoot series. It chronicles the choices that were made (and not made) which gave rise to the big disaster.
I was there. South Africa had sent it's first team to climb Everest and we were on the mountain during this time. Some people survived, some didn't. So, what are the positive decisions made, which helped the SA team fly the South African flag at the top of Mt. Everest, while other teams retreated?
The effective thinkers were able to naturally use tried and tested thought techniques to propel them out of 'disaster thinking' and into 'effective thinking and doing'. We have developed a tool to bring these thought patterns to you!
The Peak Performance Toolkit™
The Peak Performance Toolkit™ is a programme, which combines the thought processes of high altitude climbers, with the techniques that the world's top business leaders and athletes employ to perform at their best. It has been endorsed as psychologically, robust by industrial psychologists, social psychologists as well as entrepreneurs and international quality management specialists.
How does the Peak Performance Toolkit™(PPT) work?
1. The PPT™ Diagnostic is the starting point. It is a self-reflecting questionnaire, which helps you score yourself in the 5 Areas of Effectiveness© based on how you perceive your reality to be "Right Now".
Doing the PPT™ Diagnostic, will highlight some differences in your score. This is good!!!
It helps you identify areas of development where you've not done any goal setting and to modify goals you've already set in a particular area,
The 5 Areas of Effectiveness© are:
i. Aspiration
ii. Self-Mastery
iii. Competence
iv. Environment
v. Opportunity
Our research suggests that everyone looks to set goals in these five areas. Not everyone is aware that they are looking to achieve goals in these areas, but once they are introduced to the PPT™ it comes into clear focus.
2. Next we help you to understand what prevents you from getting unstuck. We use thoroughly researched material from experts in the Cognitive/Behavioural space. Our training sessions are short and impactful and it gives you clear and accessible information on how to bring about a change in your thinking, which ultimately brings about a change in behaviour.
3. We then assist you in setting strong, meaningful and stretch goals in each Area of Effectiveness©.
4. The next step is to embark on a coaching journey to help you stay on track and minimise disruptions. All our coaches are IDM School of Coaching graduates and we follow the stringent Myles Downey coaching methodology. We work on the assumption that each client is a genius and our role is to unlock that genius!
5. After consolidating a coaching journey, we re-evaluate where you are in relation to where you want to be.
The journey of Peak Performance is a journey of continuous development and learning.
We are looking forward to embark on your journey with you!
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